Saturday, February 16, 2008


February 3, 2008
Good news for everyone planning to attend the Oneness Temple's opening consecration ceremonies in Golden City, India. A new website has been created to help facilitate your travel plans. Just go to and choose a hotel that suits you, then register. Two to five star hotels are available, and their special rate packages range from $300 to $1200 USD for your entire stay.
Ceremonies at the Temple are planned for April 22 and 23, 2008, so hotel package dates are from April 21 to 24, and include transportation to and from the Temple, plus some meals. Additional side tour packages are also available should you want to maximize your trip and visit more of India after the ceremonies.

January 6, 2008
The very first International Oneness Conference was held in Los Angeles, CA in the spring of 2006. That started it all. Since then conferences like it have been held in various major cities around the world. Dates and contacts for the upcoming ones are as follows:
Gold Coast, Australia January 10-13,
Sao Paolo, Brazil January 24-27,
Stockholm, Sweden February 22-25,
Ananda Giri is the featured speaker at each of these events. The confer-ences are open to all Oneness Facilitators, and generally the last day of each is open to the general public. If one is near you, by all means, try to attend. You will receive multiple deekshas given by the dozens (if not hundreds) of Oneness Facilitators who will be present.
This is how a recent attendee reported her experience:
I just returned from attending the public event at the Oneness conference held on Australia's Gold Coast. It was the most beautiful day and well worth the effort to get there. Anandagiriji is so beautiful. Being in his presence was just unbelievable. I felt so much love for him. He is a very special being on this Earth. I felt honoured to have been in this space and to have heard his words.
I also got the most incredible deeksha high (8 deekshas from 8 different blessing givers) ... I still have waves of energy washing over me. Each one was so different and worked in an entirely different way.
The givers seemed to have specialist 'niches' (for want of a better word). With one I felt very little, but some worked dramatically on the head and rewiring, one worked as a powerful channel of divine love, others worked on total body energy transmission (lots of body/foot tingling with these ones) and one lady just went in there and opened up my heart area opening up a can with a can-opener ...but done very beautifully!
You can get another sense of what a conference is like from the following video that shows some of the final day's activities at the 2007 Oneness Conference in Los Angeles.

November 2, 2007
It was just announced that the Oneness Temple is finally to be consecrated. This incredible temple in Golden City, India, that has been under construction since early 2001, now has a definite opening date of April 22, 2008.

October 29, 2007
As mentioned in the October 4 update below, the 21 Day Process scheduled for Jan 2-22, 2008, should be the last to be held in India for Westerners. After that all future Oneness courses for attendees from Australia, New Zealand, Canada, America, China, Taiwan, Japan, Korea, and all other SE Asian countries will be held at the new campus in the Fiji Islands.
Latin America, European countries, Russia and all former Russian Republics will continue to attend Oneness courses in Golden City, India.
The 21 Day course format will be shortened from 21 to nine days. The actual course will be seven days in length, with one day on each end to allow for arrival and departure. The name of the course will probably be changed to "Level 1."
All 10 Day Deepening Processes will be still be conducted at the Oneness University in Golden City, India. These courses will similarly be shortened to the same nine day period--a seven day course with one day on each end for arrival and departure. The name of this course may likewise be changed and called "Level 2."
Things could change since the Fiji campus is still under construction, but as of now this is the most current information we have from the guides at the Oneness University.

October 4, 2007 (an update)
Since this is an update to the prior entries of July 7 and June 15 below, you may want to review them.
It was recently announced that there will be at least one more 21 Day Process for Westerners to be held in India. The dates are January 2-22, 2008. This is particularly good news for those who want to attend this course at the Oneness University in India, as opposed to the Fiji campus.

September 5, 2007
There have been some recent changes that will be of interest to those planning to attend courses at the Oneness University...
It has always been Amma and Bhagavan's wish that those attending their Oneness University discover the truth of their own particular faith. Sri AmmaBhagavan respect all faiths and don't wish to impose any form of religious or cultural impositions on anyone. Therefore in the future there will be no homas (Indian fire rituals) performed as part of the 21 Day Process courses, nor will Amma or Bhagavan's darshans be included.
However, those attending the 10 Day Deepening Processes will have the choice of attending a completely secular program, or one that includes traditional Indian practices.
Also note that Sri Amma Bhagavan's darshans in Nemam are available only to Indians, and are no longer open to foreign visitors. This is because the facilities in Nemam are currently being developed as a sacred place of pilgrimage for Indians, where they can freely follow their ancient practices and special cultural rituals.
The needs of people from other countries, religions, and cultural backgrounds will be served by various other programs offered at the campuses of the Oneness University in Golden City.
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July 14, 2007
A division of Bhagavan's Oneness Movement has been created that consists of 40 dasas assigned specifically to travel all over India.
These specially dedicated dasas present themselves as "friends" and are reaching out to people in remote villages and tribal societies. They give no teachings, just offer to give Oneness Blessings (deekshas) to "put them in touch with God, who has been guiding their life all along."
Because these remote societies are located in isolated mountains and forests, the villagers have never been exposed to conflicting philosophies or religious conditioning, and the deekshas quickly awaken them to a new experience of life. It is said that the rapid transformation takes them into states of great joy.
So far, these dasas have already given deekshas to villagers in 18 of India's 26 states throughout northern and southern India. This video tells of some of the results.